Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sugar & Gravy Movie Mania #3

3 movies this weekend - 1 in theatres and 2 I've already seen.

#1: "Mamma Mia"
Fabulous! I've been listening to the soundtrack for weeks, but I finally got to see it and I loved it! Simple, great cast, some really fun scenes, and fab singing!
Rating = 4.5/5.0

#2: "The Usual Suspects"
This was on TV this morning and I got to see the whole thing! It's been about 5 years since I saw it last and it's never as good as it was the first time, but it was still great. Awesome cast (although there are some real B-list actors in there - even though they were great in the movie) and a GREAT twist, of course. I love Kevin Spacey.
Rating = 4.2/5.0

#3: "The Royal Tenenbaums"
Very dark, very weird, and very Wes Anderson. Great movie! I can't believe Owen Wilson co-wrote it. That's pretty cool! It's full of black comedy, but it's heart-felt and original. Also - Gwyneth is SO great in it!
Rating = 4.4/5.0

Also - I've been watching episode after episode of "Entourage". GREAT show!

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