Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Curve Ball

Here are two of my favourite things about life:
  1. It can throw you a curve ball.
  2. You can completely surprise yourself.
Sometimes these things happen at the same time and the results are wonderful! Has this ever happened to you? Something crazy happens... crazy in that it impacts your life somewhat seriously, shifts your life in a different direction, changes your view of the future, etc.... and you expect one reaction of yourself but get another. You wake up every morning expecting to feel a certain way, but still, you feel another.

It's a bizarre feeling! In the past, this situation would've completely rocked you; your life would've totally gone to crap for a period of time... at least that what your history of situations like this tells you. Aren't precedents supposed to mean something?

But a lot can happen over time, combined with certain factors that are different this time around, and - especially - combined with a ME that is different. When all of those things fall into place at the right time, even a significant life change can't shake you, and suddenly when you expect yourself to break down, you actually get stronger... life gets better... things change for the best!

It doesn't mean you didn't care about what happened, it just means you were ready for it, and now there's lots to be excited about!!!

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