Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's the deal with rc-4???

So, I said a while ago that I thought I had already revealed rc-4 a.k.a. Reading Challenge #4.  As it turns out, I had written the post, but never posted it.  However, based on what I've read so far in 2012, I don't think my original plan for rc-4 is really going to work... Therefore I've got a better - but less exciting - idea.

So what?!  Who cares?!

Reading Challenge #4 is to read 20 books in the year 2012.
Yes, I know this was the challenge for rc-3 and 2011, but I didn't complete it and I want another go at it.

Why does my original plan no longer work?  Well, the original plan was to read up to 50% of my book collection, as I've realized that I've only read about 26% of my collection (sad, but true).  This is a great plan, BUT it means I'd need to read about 26 books this year (ambitious) AND so far the two books I've read are a new book I bought and another that I borrowed.  So... that's not gonna work.  I'm just going to go with 20 books this year, and - as always - I'll keep you posted along the way.

rc-4 so far...
  1. What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell
  2. When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris

Currently reading -- Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

Posts to come -- Discovering Toronto #3 (though I write about the city all the time, this is the 3rd official Discovering TO post): The Power Plant & Bar Volo

Reading Challenge Summary:
  1. Reading Challenge #1 was to read 8 books in a 4-month period.
  2. Reading Challenge #2 was to read 8 books in a 4-month period... BUT 50% had to be fiction.
  3. RC-3 was to read 20 books in the year 2011 (17/20 ain't so bad).
  4. RC-4 is to read 20 books in the year 2012.

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