Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Know What My Peers Like

My bestie has got this stuck in my head.

The styles in this vid are so ultimately fierce, and how about the design of the video itself? Like at 2:03 when her face is animated and slides across the screen behind the saxophonist? BRILLIANT.

It makes me think about styles and architecture and design and fashion and music and art through the ages and decades. I remember finding it fascinating in music history that in the Classical period, the architecture was very symmetrical and simple - clean lines and very straightforward... and so was the music! A piece like Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart - totally symmetrical, clean lines, etc. Isn't that cool? Obviously the Classical period isn't alone... Baroque had the same thing with architecture mirroring music mirroring lifestyles too, I suppose! Except with Baroque, everything was big and luxurious and elaborated and flowery... at least I think I've got these periods right. I'm really talking about this off the top of my head.

Anyway, it reminds me of a convo my bestie (who got me stuck on The Waitresses) and I had. He asked me, "Why do you think we've seen a change in our friends in terms of drug use?" What he was referring to was seeing some friends/peers move to some harder drugs as opposed to the classic choice of weed. I replied, "There's been a change in popular music," and he was thinking the same thing.

It's true! Look at the Black Eyed Peas' most recent album: "The E.N.D." A variety of songs seem to really be influenced by the electro genre. The electro genre is still primarily underground, but it's moving closer to the mainstream, and its influence is obvious. With more people listening to remixes, mash-ups, and electro - whether it be Girl Talk, Steve Aoki, MSTRKRFT, Passion Pit, MGMT, or B.E.P. - there has been a change in lifestyle/party style/drug choice.

I'm convinced they're correlated!

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