Thursday, July 19, 2012

My 5 Favourite Foods

My friends and I had an impromptu session last week of naming our five favourite foods.

Here are mine:
  1. Thai red beef curry (there are so many versions that I love, but a memorable one comes from Thai Viet Restaurant in Waterloo)
  2. Guacamole (the best I've ever had [including Mexico City guacs] is from Frida on Eglinton West)
  3. Seafood pasta (Linguini di Mari from John's Italian Caffe in Baldwin Village & Spaghetti Positano from Roberto's [Yonge-Lawrence area], for example)
  4. Sushi from Niko Niko in Waterloo - sushi on its own is great and I have other preferred places, but nothing beats Niko
  5. The last food took some careful thought and deliberation, but I landed on something I make regularly myself: peeli daal.  My peeli daal - or should I say, my friend Waleed's peeli daal, a recipe which he passed on to me - is simple, fresh, delicious, and has become a total comfort food.

Bon appetit!!!

1 comment:

Brian said...

I'm surprised borscht didn't make the short list. Remind me to take you to the best Ukrainian resto in the world the next time you're in NYC.

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