Monday, August 27, 2012

Discovering T.O. #10: Trinity Bellwoods Park

I spent a good chunk of Saturday and some of Sunday, too, writing a blog post for Sugar & Gravy that is very different in tone from the ones I've been writing as of late.  However, I got busy with other things and haven't yet finished it.  I promise that it will see the light of day sometime soon, but in the meantime, here's something more pressing.

Yesterday I spent about five hours in Trinity Bellwoods Park.

TB Park is not a new hot spot by any stretch, but it was my first time being in the park for any length of time, which is why I'm writing about it.  I always hear about so many people spending the summer's most beautiful days there, and I kept meaning to give it a try myself.  The other day my friend Waleed and I were trying to think of something to do together and I suggested it be something free.  That's when I was finally compelled to put a desire into action, so we decided we would meet at the park around 12:30 pm, have a picnic, and hang out.

That's exactly what we did.  I got there around 12:30 and started with a little journalling.  Waleed arrived about 30 minutes later armed with everything two ladies could need for a day at the park -- a great mat to lie on, a bottle of green tea, and then he made us delicious tuna sandwiches with mustard and other fixin's.

For the next four or so hours we just relaxed.  We randomly saw two friends, my sister and her boyfriend stopped by for a bit, we played cards, we talked, we people-watched, and we ate a bag of Cheetos.  The weather was perfect -- sunny and warm, but with a consistent breeze that kept it completely comfortable all day long.  Plus, we found a great shady spot under a tree, so it really wasn't hot at all.

What I loved most - and I had a similar moment when my girlfriend and I went to Centre Island - was seeing so many people taking advantage of something free and beautiful the city has to offer.  The park was PACKED!  People, dogs, bikes, birthday parties, baseball games, families, friends..... there was such a positive energy there, and I was really happy to be a part of it.  The time flew by, just chatting and taking it all in.  Again, it's one of those times where I felt I spent a summer Sunday exactly the way it's meant to be spent.

1 comment:

Niagara falls hotel said...

Well this seems like what I do on weekends when I do not have planned something special for the day. You reminded me of how I spend my whole day in a park nearby me. Thanks for the share

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