Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yoga: Then & Now

Wanna know a secret?  I've been working on my fitness.  Well, it's not actually a secret; I just haven't blogged about it or posted about it on Facebook, Instagram, etc.  It's been going on since July of this year and I wanted to share it now as I have something related to it to write about.

In Fall 2012, my girlfriend K. and I joined a yoga studio.  That was not something I ever imagined for myself, but soon enough the classes became part of my weekly/biweekly routine.  I really enjoyed it!  I enjoyed - and still do - the deep stretches, the peace and quiet of the practice, the attitude that facing your own challenges is the point (and that there's no use in comparing yourself to others, and - of course - child's pose.  I loved bringing something into my life that took me out of my comfort zone and did some good for the health of my mind, body, and soul.

In Summer 2013, K. and I decided we needed more, so we educated ourselves on and are continuing to establish healthy eating habits, and then in late August we joined a gym!!!  Again, not something I imagined for myself, but we've been going 3x a week for the past two months or so and we feel fantastic!

So - what's the point of this post?  Well, last night I returned to our yoga studio for the first time since... the summer at least, I think.  I took a level 1 Ashtanga class with an instructor who I've taken classes with before, and he's really intense.  But, it felt AWESOME!  I felt stronger, I had better stamina, and I challenged myself to hold poses longer and try harder things than I normally would.  It really felt incredible.

I never thought of myself as an active person, and I guess that point-of-view turned into a belief that I couldn't be active.  Boy was I wrong!  I can do anything!

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