Monday, November 15, 2010


I haven't blogged in a bit, so here's a morning quickie before I hop in the shower.

The iPhone has changed my life... I'm more organized, more connected, and all around loving my new gadget. I haven't been reading as much, it's true, but I figure the novelty will wear off soon enough, and until then, I'm forcing myself to read at least twice a day, even if it's for short periods of time. Unfortunately I still won't finish the last 3 Harry Potters before Friday (the opening day of the first part of the 7th movie), but that's no matter... I'll finish them eventually. I'm about 50 pages from being done the 5th book, so I'll just push through and hopefully finish the other 2 this year.

Some of the many perks of the iPhone are the news apps - I have Thomson Reuters, New York Times (thanks to the GF), Globe & Mail, and Huffington Post all at my fingertips. I read the top articles every morning with my coffee. It's not the same as holding the papers in your hand at your breakfast table, but it's a fantastic alternative. Plus, I get MORE news, and if I like an article or want to share it, it couldn't be simpler to link to Facebook, Twitter, etc. I love it. I feel more informed, which is always a good thing! Ok - shower time!


Stephanie said...

I'm not sure I appreciate your lack of dedication with regards to Harry. I appreciate that you have been distracted by the bright shiny iPhone, but in the future (i.e. Christmas Break) I hope to see some visible improvement.

M.S. said...

Touché! I promise I will work at it.

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