Monday, November 29, 2010

Books & DJs

What's up y'all? Lots to update you on, starting with the Reading Challenge 2.0. Just to remind you, Reading Challenge 2.0 challenges me to read 8 books by December 31, 2010 (the challenge began on September 5th) and 50% of them have to be fiction. So far I've read 5 (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Franny and Zooey, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and By Nightfall). My progress was severely impeded by the purchase of an iPhone, but I seem to be on track again and just need to push through the next month and see how close I can get to my goal. On the bright side, I've achieved 1/2 of my goal already. All 5 books that I've read have been fiction, so it looks like I really have gotten back into fiction, which I'm thrilled about.

The most recent read, By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham, was quite simply put: stunning. I've never read Cunningham before, but I'm eager to read more of him. He also wrote The Hours, so I think I'll read that in the new year. By Nightfall was a twisted story about love, art, and finding the strength to survive a life that is really good, but not great, or not what you imagined for yourself. It was published this year, which was really interesting because it's been so long since I read a book taking place in the present day. There was a BlackBerry reference and an Obama administration reference, and both were interesting to see because somehow it made the experience the protagonist was having feel even more close to home. Anyway, I'm rambling... it was an amazing book and I'd highly recommend it!

Regarding MSTRKRFT in Sudbury... Well I should start off by saying it was a fantastic night! I had a blast with my sister and we danced and partied = good times. However, it wasn't MSTRKRFT performing; it was Jesse Keeler of MSTRKRFT. That would've been good because JFK is an awesome guy, but he didn't actually play any MSTRKRFT. He was just DJing. I'm not saying it wasn't good, but it just wasn't great. Plus, it wasn't what I expected.

It made me think though - here is a good example of a DJ who spins vs. a DJ who mixes/creates/produces. I may have not used the perfect wording, but I hope you get my gist. There's the standard, run-of-the-mill club DJ (no offense meant by word choice). She/he plays songs by artists (that remain unchanged for the most part) that the patrons of the club dance to. There are definitely good club DJs and bad club DJs, but their mission is the same. Then there is the... what shall we call it... More-than-just-playing-songs-DJ? Not exactly poetic, but sure, why not?

So the MTJPSD makes music out of DJing. Some strictly remix songs, some create their own stuff, and some do both... but the idea is, when you see them in a concert, they are DJing, but it's their own stuff that they're playing.

Anyway, my point is that these involve different skill sets. Knowing exactly when to crossover to a new track is a skill for a club DJ, as is knowing what songs will really get people on the dance floor. For a MTJPSD, it might be matching up two songs perfectly... or creating that perfect climb of sound that builds up to the climax that a good electro song inevitably has (i.e. the siren sound in "Cornelius" by The Bloody Beetroots... one of my fave music moments of all time). The point is, the skill sets for these two types of DJs are so different. Some DJs may possess both sets, but I felt on Friday night that JFK of MSTRKRFT did not.

Well, this update took about 24 hours to write -- broken up by work and sleep -- so I think it is time to move on.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reading Challenge 2.0 - Update!

A comment from a reader reminded me that I haven't been updating everyone about my Reading Challenge 2.0. So here goes...

I didn't finish the Harry Potter series before seeing the 7th movie, which was a shame, but I have finished the 5th. It was fantastic, as I knew it would be, and I'll soon be ready to take on the final two books in the series. The 6th which I don't recall at all, and the 7th which I've never read. Very exciting stuff! I really need to hop to it!

In the meantime (before I start the 6th), I'm reading something totally different, recommended and lended (I know it's not the correct word, but it works) to me by someone I only just met. She lent (see, I know the correct word) me 3 other books and I'm excited to read those, too... after Harry Potter, Steph, I swear!

Anyway, the current read is By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham. It's beautifully written... very 21st-century-stream-of-consciousness... I love it! I get the sense it's going to get pretty twisted, and I cannot wait!

Then... back to HP!

Masters of the Kraft x2

I saw MSTRKRFT a year ago. It's weird how things can change so much in a year... I graduated, kicked some bad habits, moved to a new (small) town, got a big girl job... weird. However, not everything changes, because I'm seeing MSTRKRFT once again this weekend. This will be my 3rd time seeing them and I'm pumped about it! The 3rd time I saw Aoki, I was not so pumped... but that was 3 times in 1 year, and MSTRKRFT is more spread out. Also, I'm going with my sister and I've never gone to a party like this with her before, so it'll be SICK!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I would guess that the high school experience these days is very often shaped by Facebook. Making plans, spreading gossip, complaining about homework, flirting, etc., etc. I'm so glad my high school experience did not involve Facebook in any way -- it was hard enough surviving the most self-conscious years of my life as it was, never mind what it would've been like trying to find a somewhat decent profile picture.

However, we didn't experience high school in the absence of technology, because there was a mode of communication that, for me at least, did shape my high school years.


I'm thinking about this because my Gmail chat just cut out for what seemed like 3 minutes, but was probably 1.5. When it happened, I was reminded of what my reaction was when this happened on MSN in grade 11. My anxiety would kick in, I would click click click... restart the computer... the sweat would start pouring... I would think about what the person I was chatting with might think... would they still be online? OMG OMG OMG!!!

Ahhhhh... sweet relief as the little green man spun around and then your friends were displayed once again.

How many serious conversations did you have on MSN? How many transcripts of conversations did you re-read? Did you ever print a conversation out?

I haven't used MSN in ages, but it really did define some pivotal parts of my adolescence.
Food for thought, I guess.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've talked about this before, but my trend lately is to find new music through Hypem. Every week or so I download all the interesting sounding tracks on the Popular list and see what I like. Sometimes I really like a track and so I download the artist's whole album... but this doesn't happen often. I generally just listen to a few songs until I get sick of them, and then check the Popular list again. It works for me.

However, when I heard "Something Good Can Work" by Two Door Cinema Club, followed by "Kids" by TDCC, I knew that these two tracks were too hot to leave on their own. It was time to have their brother and sister tracks join them, resulting in the entire album, "Tourist History". They're not a new band, and Tourist History isn't a new album (March 2010), but they're new to me and I'm eating them up like they're sugar and gravy.

Here's what I'm talking about!

Monday, November 15, 2010


I haven't blogged in a bit, so here's a morning quickie before I hop in the shower.

The iPhone has changed my life... I'm more organized, more connected, and all around loving my new gadget. I haven't been reading as much, it's true, but I figure the novelty will wear off soon enough, and until then, I'm forcing myself to read at least twice a day, even if it's for short periods of time. Unfortunately I still won't finish the last 3 Harry Potters before Friday (the opening day of the first part of the 7th movie), but that's no matter... I'll finish them eventually. I'm about 50 pages from being done the 5th book, so I'll just push through and hopefully finish the other 2 this year.

Some of the many perks of the iPhone are the news apps - I have Thomson Reuters, New York Times (thanks to the GF), Globe & Mail, and Huffington Post all at my fingertips. I read the top articles every morning with my coffee. It's not the same as holding the papers in your hand at your breakfast table, but it's a fantastic alternative. Plus, I get MORE news, and if I like an article or want to share it, it couldn't be simpler to link to Facebook, Twitter, etc. I love it. I feel more informed, which is always a good thing! Ok - shower time!

Monday, November 1, 2010

iPhone vs. Books

My life is (nearly) complete: I bought the iPhone 4.
In the 4 or so days since I got it, my life has changed. I feel more organized, more connected, and, needless to say, cooler.

However - I can't lose sight of other goals (even though I was able to cross off buying an iPhone from my goal list), namely the Reading Challenge 2.0. I've still got a ways to go with HP5, and then I still need to read 4 more before December 31st. I can for sure do it, but I've got to maintain my nightly routine of reading and not let playing games or checking Facebook on my iPhone get in the way of that.

Favourite app so far: Sleep Cycle. Just so cool.

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