Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am chagrinned. I have neglected this blog. I feel like it's my old toy car and I got a really cool remote control one and have been dedicating so much attention to the new, cool, shiny one, and completely ignoring my old, beaten-up racecar... or really any such analogy...

In other news, racecar is a palindrome, and so is the phrase: "Never odd or even". Coooool.

So yeah - time to reboot Sugar and Gravy a bit, eh? Get some new entries in and try to be a little more consistent? You betcha, I will.

I'm getting adjusted by a chiropractor this morning. It's kinda hilarious because this chiropractor adds me to Twitter and sees (palindrome!) that my birthday is coming up (tomorrow) and offers me a free adjustment. I've never been adjusted before... I wonder what it will consist of. Will it be painful? Whatever... it's one of those things that just comes out of nowhere and you've gotta pounce on the opportunity, I think. I never used to do shit like this, but like my best friend W. and I realized yesterday, or rather, acknowledged, I'm a totally different person than I was 6 months ago. Or not totally different, but vastly different, I think.

Anyway, gotta get dressed and ready to be adjusted.

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