Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reading Challenge Update

Ok... I really need to get focused, because I've got under a month left to read 3 more books. I've got 5 books on the go right now and that needs to stop. However, I once had 3 books on the go, and I finished them all in a short amount of time. It's all about focus and dedication.

Here's what I've got on the go and what I think so far:
  • Smart Women Finish Rich - this book is AWESOME! I've learned some tips and tricks about my finances that I'm so grateful for already! However, the author suggests that you read and re-read sections of it before moving on, so I'm taking a break from the book while I read some others, and then in a few months I intend to get back to it! Another note about SWFR - it is SO great as a young professional to be figuring out these financial skills so early on, BUT some of them aren't applicable quite yet, so I'm sure it'll act as a reference guide over the next 10 years, too.
  • The Diary of a Young Girl (Anne Frank) - I started this a month or so ago and kinda took a break for a bit. It's an important read though, and I'd like for it to be part of my final 3 books.
  • The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way - this has been on my bookshelf for ages, which is surprising because of how much I've always enjoyed reading it (this is my 3rd time trying). I think I've made it further than I ever have before, and I plan on finishing this first of the 3 I've got left.
  • The School on the Hill - this book is a work in progress. No plans to finish it ASAP.
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Could this one even count? It's like my 10th time reading it, but I wanna re-read the whole series before the movie comes out in November, so I'm starting now. I'll see if I want to include it in the challenge... maybe if I'm desperate after finishing the two others. We'll see!

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