Monday, January 17, 2011

Natalie... you are a bad-ass bitch II

I'm having Monday morning panic as I was away from work at the end of last week and I have a big and busy week this week. Between emails and the increasingly long list of to do items that I'm compiling...... I'm kinda freaking out. I don't see blogging at this moment as a procrastination tool; I see it as stress and anxiety management. Truly. I can have an extremely productive day today, but I need to start by removing myself from the situation, and then re-entering it with a fresh perspective.

SO... what should I blog about?


I saw "Black Swan" this weekend. I had always meant to see it, but time kept passing me by and all my friends had already seen it. So Saturday I had nothing to do and I thought, "Screw it, I'll go alone."

WHOA. Black Swan... Black Swan... It was so intense. Typical of Aronofsky, the movie drew you in to a point where you were looking at your fingernails and finding yourself holding your breath. My chest was tight with empathetic anxiety. I thought the story was unique and different. It drew you into a specific world (the dance world), but the real focus was on Nina. People like Nina are everywhere, so the fact that Swan Lake was being performed and it was set on a stage with a company, etc. was sort of an aesthetic thing more than anything else. It was about perfection and anxiety and nightmares and... I was blown away.

It wasn't the type of movie that you see and immediately want to see again. Not for me, at least. It's too intense and too much of a full body&mind experience that it's difficult to watch. That said, I thought it was incredible. I thought Natalie Portman was incredible. She won the Golden Globe for best actress in a motion picture last night, and I believe she really deserved it. She was intense and weak and vulnerable... I wonder how she'll fare at the Oscars.

Alright - time to get to work. I need to do away with my own anxiety now and get going!

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