Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RC-3: In a rut.

I'm in a bit of a reading rut. I hate to report it, but it's true. I'm about a quarter of the way into 4 books (In Defense of Food, Eat Pray Love, The Divinity Gene, and Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live) and I can't seem to push through. The thing is - every one of these books is AMAZING! but I'm just struggling to get the reading bug again.

That's part of the reason why I'm reading Live from New York. It's lighter, a little easier to get through, and it's a little less of a challenge mentally. I often need something lighter to get me back into reading mode, so maybe this will be the ticket. Sort of like the Harry Potter series... that did the same thing for me!

Part of the problem is that I've been eating meals in front of the TV/computer, and choosing to play games on my iPhone rather than reading before bed. These are habits I was combatting for a time, so I'm going to attempt to do it again. It won't be too hard, I don't think! Here goes!

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