Sunday, May 13, 2012

Say no to procrastination

It happened to me again.  I had a task on my to do list that I kept putting off and putting off and putting it off made me anxious but I still wasn't getting it done which made me more anxious and then finally... I got it done.  Today.  And, as always, it was much easier - and as it turned out, cheaper - than I thought it would be.  Once again the lesson is that procrastinating does nobody any good.

What was the task, you ask?  Well, as you might remember, my laptop died last summer.  It fully kicked the bucket, though thankfully the hard drive was saved.  My friend W told me that I could go and get the hard drive cased and it could act as an external hard drive.  I kept meaning to go and get it cased but, as I said, kept putting it off.  FINALLY today I dragged myself to Canada Computers in an ungodly area (north of Finch) and told the employee who greeted me at the door what I needed done.  I thought I'd have to hand over my hard drive and leave it with them for a few weeks and then pay $100 to get it back.  As it turned out, it cost $14 and involved nothing more than opening the box, casing it, screwing in some screws, and handing it back to me.  AMAZING.  Short, sweet, and now I have the luxury of enjoying all the music, movies, and TV shows I thought I lost forever last summer.

I love when that happens.....

Currently reading: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Next post: Discovering T.O. #5 - 416 Snack Bar, Lola's Kitchen, and Ha Long Bay

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