Tuesday, January 21, 2014


AHHHHHH!!!  OK, so my resolution to re-watch as few movies and TV shows as I can is working.  Every time I go on Netflix, I second-guess my instinct to watch something I've seen before and try something new.  I'm also trying as often as possible to finish any TV show or movie that I start (another bad habit of mine).

Last night I watched something new - and horrifying!!!  "Prisoners" starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Terrence Howard, and others!  Incredible acting, mostly great story, GREAT ending, some very disturbing moments, and overall an entertaining and captivating movie.  I watched it with my bestie's fiance, Doug, and thankfully he forced me through the parts that were really freaking me out.

Posts to come... My love for the 7 Up documentary series, Who/What/Where/Why/When & How I'm Moving to Waterloo, and more!

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