I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but if I was to look back at my health & fitness journey (11 months and counting) and pinpoint the thing that I'm most proud of, it would be this: going to the gym becoming part of my routine. Put another way, I am so proud of getting to a point where I genuinely want to go to the gym. Even better, I need to go to the gym. I had a pretty indulgent weekend; it was my best friend's bachelorette and indulging was par for the course. I drank, I ate, I partied. As a result I felt sick, bloated, and my immune system was shot. I got back home from the debauchery yesterday afternoon and you know what I did yesterday evening? I went to the gym. Going "off-track" or indulging food-wise could've made me feel like I'd failed, but I hadn't, and I still really wanted to go to the gym.
I woke up this morning feeling totally under the weather. I very seriously contemplated calling in sick... I even had my sick day email drafted up, but then I thought of how much I wanted to get done and how lame I felt at taking a sick day after a bachelorette weekend. So, I powered through, crushed up vitamins in my smoothie, and went to work. The day went great - I made a point of eating really nutritious food and drinking lots of water - and then you know what I did? I went to the gym again after work for my regular Monday Body Pump class. I may not feel 100%, but I feel pretty great, and I have a feeling that with more vitamin C and a good sleep, I'll feel even better. My, how I have changed!
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